Thursday 31 January 2019

4AS: Survey for your traineeship experience

 Within our eTwinning project 'Gender equality: reality or myth?' we have extensively talked about how gender stereotypes influence children's own perception from the very early years of their life. They affect the development of their identity and their future life choices. Sometimes it is difficult to recognize them because their repetition make them feel natural and acceptable.
School plays an important role in "breaking the mould" and help fight the perpetration of gender stereotypes.


While you are doing your traineeship at school you are going to collect some information that will be useful to get a picture of what schools are doing in our area for a children's upbringing free from gender stereotypes.

Go to the survey (to be completed until 19th February)

To view the full survey click here 

When we have collected all the information, we will write a report about it.

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