Wednesday 18 November 2020

Robin Hood. a Medieval Folk Hero


Robin Hood is a popular medieval outlaw, whose story is told by some ballads dating from 13th and 14th centuries.

What do you know about him? Have you very ever watched a movie or cartoon about him? 

Let's find out more about this intriguing folk hero, who has been fascinating many  storytellers and film directors.

Task 1. Read the paragraph "England" contained in the entry Outlaw from Wikipedia and answer the questions:
1. Who was an outlaw?
2. Why was someone declared outlaw?
3. Where and how did outlaws live?
4. Which punishment was inflicted to anyone who killed an outlaw?
5. Did a man need to be guilty of the crime for which he was declared outlaw?
6. What is common law?

Task 2. Read the text and say if the following sentences are True or False (copy them on your exercise book). Correct the False ones.
    1. Robin Hood is quite a static legendary figure whose historical existence has been proved.
    2. The early sources of this legend are ballads
    3. Robin Hood lived certainly in Sherwood Forest near Nottingham
    4. In early accounts Robin Hood is a devoted churchgoer of noble origins who fights the injustice of his fellows.
    6. One of his long-standing enemy is the Sheriff of Nottingham
    7. In Piers Plowman, an allegorical narrative poem by William Langland, Robin Hood is placed in the 12th century.
    8. Robin Hood was probably a noble unfairly dispossessed of his land.
    9. All the characters traditionally included in the legend are already mentioned in the early ballads.
    10. In the Victorian Era (19th century) an influential work was published which depicted Robin Hood as a philanthropist.

    Task 3. Watch the video. Where does the Robin Hood we know today come from? How is Robin Hood portrayed and what does the story describe?


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