Monday 30 November 2015

3LB: Joseph Conrad and Heart of Darkness

HOMEWORK due on Tuesday 4th December

For every student
1) Watch the biography of J. Conrad and do the quiz.

2) Read the summary of Conrad's masterpiece Heart of Darkness on your textbook on page 450.

3) Watch this video to know more about the History of European colonization in Africa and write down the main concepts. Be prepared to explain your choice


Group work

In preparation to the cooperative work you will do in class you have been divided in 6 groups formed by 3 students (A, B, C). You have to do only the homework assigned to you.

  • Each student has to read the resources assigned and prepare an exhaustive summary that he/she will have to report to the other group members.
  •  Create a chart/a mind map/an infographics or an other visual aid that will help your group members understand your material. Bring it to class either printed or on your smartphone.

Student A - General features and historical context 
(Benzi, Bischi, Conti, Goffi, Nesi, Selvetti)

Student B - Themes and symbols of the novel
(Baldelli, Bornaccioni, De Marchi, Gulini, Nones, Spaccazocchi) 

Student C - Charachters and narrative technique
(Bianchini, Chicu, Fulgini, Lucarini, Picari, Zanghirati)

 In class you will find out which group you belong to and your final task.
Please do contact me for any problem!


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