Saturday 16 January 2016

1F: Making a radio programme about "Climate change and COP21"

GROUP WORK (3 students)

1) Explore the picture and answer the questions.

2) Use the information collected to write an interview for a radio programme about the COP21
Student A: You are a radio journalist in charge of writing an interview to a politician who took part in COP21. (interviewer)
Student B: You are a politician being interviewed by a radio journalist on COP21. (interviewee)
Student C: You are a citizen who calls during the radio programme. You will ask questions to the politician and express your opinion about the issue.
The interview has to last from 5 to 10 minutes and to include the following information:
- Greetings
- Presentation of the programme (how is it called? which issues does it deal with? Is it local or national? How many times a week is it on air?)
- Presentation of the interviewee (name, job, why did you choose him/her?)
- Citizen's phone call (name, job, where does it call from?)
- Information collected from the websites
- Personal opinions and suggestions
- Final thanks and greetings

Students' roles for working in group.

Student A: takes notes of the ideas that come up during the group discussion
Student B: encourages the participation of all group members and finds a way to connect them beyond the class
Student C: checks the work to see if all the information required have been included and if grammar, spelling and pronunciation are correct

Do not forget to sign the work (the signature means that every member has given his/her personal contribution and agrees with the final work and is able to explain it)
Deadline of the final work (script and recording): Monday 25th January

Link to your works

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