Sunday 28 February 2016

3D: William Shakespeare, the Bard

Homework due on Saturday 5th March

William Shakespeare is the most well-known English writer all over the world. 
Playwright, poet, actor and entrepreneur, he is the undiscussed genius of the English language capable of bringing to life unforgettable lines and characters that are part of our collective memory.

In 2016 we commemorates the 400 years from the death of Shakespeare and a lot of events are being organized all over the world.

Follow me through this virtual journey and do the activities that will guide you to discover the Bard.

1) Why study Shakespeare? (course book page 84-85)
Browse the following websites and find 5 evidences/reasons for Shakespeare's influence and legacy on our life? What have you discovered? Make notes and bring them to class. 

2) Shakespeare and English language
The following  picture shows some of the things we say today that were invented by Shakespeare

Find 5 expressions contained in his plays by entering them in the "text search" space in the following website which hosts all Shakespeare's works. Write the result on your copy book.

3) We know very little about William Shakespeare's life.  
Watch this biography and do the quiz.

4) How do we know that Shakespeare wrote his works?

Make notes of the following information:

  • What is stilometry?
  • Why do scholars use it?
  • How can you recognize that one line belongs to Shakepeare?

5) Funny international facts about Shakespeare
Have a quick look at this curious article and choose the funny fact you find most impressive.

Wednesday 24 February 2016

3 LB: The refugee crisis

Homework due on 7th March

1) Explore the picture browsing its links (hot points)

2) Making reference to the resources linked as well as to Auden's poem Refugee Blues write an essay about the different aspects of the issue (about 200 words) including your personal opinion. You can also find further material (articles, pictures, videos) that may support your point of view or be interesting for you.

When you write your essay pay attention to:
  • its structure (introduction, paragraphs, conclusion)
  • linkers
  • do not use contractions or a too informal style

3) Take notes while visiting the linked sites, because they will be useful for our next lesson.

Thursday 11 February 2016

3D: The Gunpowder Plot

Homework due on 19th February

Remember, remember! The fifth of November, The Gunpowder treason and plot; I know of no reason why the Gunpowder treason should ever be forgot!

These are the first lines of a famous English folk poem that celebrates the failure of ......what?
What has to do the picture above with English history and culture?

Let's find out more by watching the following video and by doing the tasks. 

1) Watch the video and answer the questions

  1. Who was Guy Fawkes?
  2. Which army did he join?
  3. What did he ask the King of Spain for?
  4. What did the plot consist in?
  5. What was one of the conspirator worried about?
  6. What did the King do?
  7. What was crazy?
  8. What do British celebrate on 5th November?
  9. Which discrepancy exists between the real history and its celebration?
  10. How do British families celebrate Guy Fawkes night?
  11. What is Guy Fawkes’ mask associated with today? Why?

2. Find information about the graphic novel V for Vendetta and write a short summary of it. Be prepared to report it in class.

3. Choose one of the following quotes from V for Vendetta and explain the reason for your choice (Why do you like it? How does it apply to your life? Does it express a universal truth?)

Wednesday 3 February 2016

3D: The English Renaissance

Homework due on 6th February

1) Watch the video about the English Renaissance and write down 10 questions and 10 answers to sum up the key features of this period.

2) Read your textbook on page 68 an take notes of the main concepts. Integrate your questions and answers of the previous task.