Wednesday 16 March 2016

1F: The American school system: a web quest

Homework due on 19th March

Collect the information about the American School System and write a presentation based what you have founded.

1. How old are the Americans when they start  school?

2. What are the different types of schools called? 
- What is "K-12"?
- From 5 to 11?
- From 11 to 14?
- From 14 to 18?
- What grade would you be in if you lived in the USA?
3. School holiday? 

- When does the school year start? 

4 – Do children wear a school uniform 

5 – A typical Day
- What time does it start?
- What happens in the homeroom?
-  What time and how long is the Lunch time?
- What happens in the conference period? 
- How long are lessons?
- What time does school end?
6 - After school activities?
- Give 4 or 5 examples of after school activities
-  What time do they take place?

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