Monday 11 April 2016

3LB: George Orwell and 1984

1) Read George Orwell's biography in your book (page 532).

2) Watch the summary of 1984 and answer the questions below.

1) Which were Orwell's intentions in writing 1984?
2) Which is the setting of the book?
3) What is the government like?
4) Which things people have to do and which you must not do in the novel?
5) Who is Winston Smith?
6) What does his diary represent?
7) What role does history play in the novel?
8) When does the book take a turn?
9) What is O'Brian plan?
10) Why does the government want to control Winston's mind?
11) How does the book end?

3) 1984 is a dystopian novel. Do you know any book that talks about a utopian or a dystopian society?
Try to write a definition of both concepts.

4) Watch the video "10 reasons why 1984 still matters".

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